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GO King E33
Reg: P43796790

GO King E33

E33 has a lot of frame size and length, and puts it all together in a balanced, complete package. He's very functional in his skeleton and boasts the quality of foot that you want in your herd. As a yearling, he was sold to Bill Goerhing and Lowdermans and has since become nationally known for his maternal merit and quality offspring. He's been a foundation sire in our herd over the last several years with nearly all of his daughters being retained, and six of his sons being kept as herd bulls.

Contact Information
Ochsner Roth Cattle Co
10672 Van Tassell Road
Torrington, WY 82240


Blake and B.W. Ochsner

*Located 20 miles north of Torrington via Hwy 159/ Van Tassell Road*

Blake & Chrissy Ochsner: 307-532-3282
Steve & Dixie Roth: 307-575-5258
Rodney & Debbie Ochsner: 307-575-2589

Rustin & Britte Roth: 307-575-2709

B.W. & Terra Ochsner: 307-575-6772
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